What's wrong with all you people!!

You're playing the game against your friends and shooting them with
missiles! Gee, so violent (Hehehee). Try something new,try the

            	!!!!  ACME Custard Pie Lancher !!!!

Yes folks, the all new ACME Custard Pie Launcher is a marvel of modern 
technology. Capable of firing Custard pies at high velocity and deady
accuracy at friend and foe alike, the ACME Custard Pie Launcher is a must
for every Doomer's arsenal. Smother enemies in custard, or, if you miss,
have them helpless with the giggles. The ACME Custard Pie Launcher features
an Anti-recoil firing mechanism; lightweight carbon-fiber-titanium-aluminium
body, Infra-red sighting (Helmet and visor not included) and non-automatic
target aquisition. 

Usage : 1:Simply unzip the file into a subdirectory of your DOOM directory
        2:Copy the batch files (custard.bat and uncust.bat) to your DOOM dir
        3:Copy the excellent DMGRAPH.EXE to you DOOM directory
	4:Run custard.bat with parameter pointing to subdirectory created above
	5:Have Fun. (Check out the CyberDemon for a good time)

Û Mail me with any comments, or new ideas or even criticism.
Û This patch makes for some fun Deathmatching.


Many thanks to Bill Neisius for DMGRAPH.EXE